other products that we are frequently printing
flyers, leaflets, catalogues, brochures
- Printed on glossy or matte paper or cardboard
- Folded, Creased, Die-Cut
- With glossy, matt or soft-touch lamination
- With perfect binding, stiching or wire binding
- Quantities from 1 pcs to 20.000 pcs.
- Covers with various finsishing options,
- With 3D varnish, lamination, metallic foil etc.
calendars and notebooks
- Printed on glossy or matte paper or cardboard
- With perfect binding, stiching or wire binding,
- Quantities from 100 pcs to 20.000 pcs.
- Covers with various finsishing options
magazines, books, brochures
- Printed on glossy or matt paper or cardboard
- With perfect binding, stiching or wire binding,
- Quantities from 50 pcs to 20.000 pcs.
- Covers with various finsishing options
see al our products on plusprint.ro